Monday, December 1, 2008

Family Photo Shoot

Angela has been hassling me the last few months to get a family picture. If you follow the blog you will have seen that I have done photo shoots for quite a few different people. Unfortunately that hasn't left much desire to try and rope my own kids in for a formal family shoot. I will say this, the kids did very well for not having anyone taking the pictures. You can't see it but I was triggering the camera with a remote on a 2 second timer. Not really ideal but it seemed to work. Apparently the kids have had a camera stuck in their faces enough times that they know to smile and look at the camera. Also we are not above bribing. I know we shouldn't negotiate with terrorist, but candy goes a long way. There are a few more shots here. Lighting setup was a big softbox camera right with AB 400, shoot through umbrella camera left and rim light for the middle shot right behind Owen and Kaitlyn. Sorry for the lighting info. ~Erik


Dana said...

Erik, you are the photographer!!! Angela shouldn't have to hassle you for her own photo shoot. That being said my dad growing up cleaned chimney's and our was never clean. I guess that is how that goes. Cute family though.

Jamma said...

What a cute family you are. Love the pictures. The children look like angels!!

Fishin' Ponds said...

About time you did a formal family photo shoot. They turned out great! I love the Thanksgiving pics too...some do like to bounce. I must say that I, in some sick sort of way, miss the gory need to work on that. It's all about entertainment right?! :)

Smedley Family said...

cute kids!! we have to bribe owen too. for some reason the girls are camera happy and owen on the other hand could care less and say cheese while looking at something else.

Reed and Annie Family said...

See, Owen is the only normal one in the whole bunch! ANGELA- I LOVE YOUR HAIR!! So cute!!

Anonymous said...

OK! Enough already from Jamma! Erik, it's plainly obvious to me that she is commenting on every photo because she knows you want people to comment and she is trying to make you believe that she likes you and your family. She is just a big smoosher trying to get on your good side so that you will do another photo shoot of her family!! Don't get sucked into her ploys. WE LIKE YOU THE BEST! By the way, while we are in Hawaii can you take some pictures of us? Love you the best, Stan & Debbie

Sod Fam said...

I like the crazy pic best!