Friday, February 6, 2009

I like shooting birds....No, not with a gun!

I am not really a wildlife photographer but I thought I would try a few shots. I found it a bit like trying to shoot my kids. The birds don't really stop, they are very hard to predict and they don't care much about getting their picture taken. I had 2 flashes set up outside and I was shooting through a window. I figured this was the best option as it was pretty cold outside, you can see the ice on the branch. If you look at the setup shot below, it was amazing that I got any clear shots as I was shooting through the dirtiest window ever. Yes, I did try and clean it. I borrowed a lens from Tami, thanks again, and it was a beast. 300mm 2.8 with a couple extension tubes for closer focusing. I used my remote trigger for the flashes, you can see more pictures here. Tell me what you think of the pictures. ~Erik


Anna said...

Wow, it looks like you could feed them out of the palm of your hand! Those are cool shots, in case you need the positive reinforcement.

Dave M. Davis said...

Great job, E. I love the detail the strobes add. Did you add to AK Strobist?

Jamma said...

Love the shots...What beautiful birds.

josh said...

show off

Fishin' Ponds said...

Great shots...but I'm sure Angela wants everyone to know that she has the "dirtiest windows ever" at her house!! Nice...glad to see that you at least attempted to clean them. :)

Alaska Massey said...

The shot was taken at work. Angela would never let our windows get that dirty.

Smedley Family said...

wow! that lens is gargantuan!!!

oh yeah ... have any more halibut recipes!??? mmm

mexicanmassey said...

Erik, you would probably go crazy here in Mexico with that big camera. Lately we´ve had 2 parrots that come to our back yard. They´re really pretty. One is green with a yellow head (very rare) and the other one is pure green. I bet you wish you could get a close up on dem birds. They make really annoying sounds though so I just throw oranges at them.