Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Queen of Sass...

The weather was nice so we went and did a family photo shoot with the wildflowers. Angela is a good sport with all of the photo stuff. I think it was because she was brainwashed into thinking it was normal when she was growing up. Anyways, she may seem a bit mild mannered, but she is the queen of sass. That's right, the little girls are always throwing attitude and you know where they get it from, their mother. Not only is she sassy but she is hot, really how many 20 month pregnant women look this good? I guess that is why she has so many kids, too hot for her own good. ~Erik


Jake and Jordan Johnson said...

She really is the best looking pregnant woman I've ever seen. When I was up there and saw her I was so jealous and told her "I wish I looked like you when I was five weeks away from my due date!" Anyway, those are really good pictures!

Debbie said...


You are beautiful! And I'm not saying that just because I'm your mom.I am very excited to see you guys really soon.

Smedley Family said...

pretty pix!! you look great angela!!

erik, did you just use your flash from your camera or did you bring your whole getup? you always have great color in your pix. i need to do some reading!!!

Smedley Family said...

ok, just looked at your flickr. answered my own ?