Saturday, October 31, 2009

Ala Family

My Friend Owen and his wife Camille were in town for a few days and wanted to get a quick family shot. It was fun to see their son Ryder, he is a 2 year old just like our Owen. They had a great time running around getting in trouble. Owen has a few years left in his orthopedic surgery residency. Hopefully they decide that they want to live in Alaska after they are done. Aren't they a great looking family. ~Erik


Smedley Family said...

ahhhh, so glad you got to see them. Owen talked to jas but we never got to see them. miss those guys, hope they come back!!! k, next time we're down there you need to do a 'smedley family' shoot!!

how's angela doing!?

Lolo said...

so fun to see pictures of them! cute family :)