Friday, January 23, 2009

Kali's new hair

Kali was feeling a little left out and wanted her hair cut like Kaitlyn's hair (which is like mom's hair). So, now we all have the same haircut. She asked me to cut it yesterday while Kaitlyn was at school. When Kaitlyn saw her after school she was a little disappointed. She said she wanted to look different than Kali - oops! She'll have to learn to deal with it, right? Kali asked me to curl it today, so it does look different than Kaitlyn's, kind of. I thought it was super cute and Erik decided it was time for a photo shoot. Kali says she feels cute and sassy. She is so cute and especially so sassy. -Angela
More pictures here...


The Dorman Family said...

Miranda wants her hair cut too. But I jsut cant bring myself to do it. I will let her see the pictures and see what she thinks. They look super cute, especially curled like this.

Dana said...

I think it all the time. YOur kids are just too cute for words. You guys make really beautiful babies.

The Dorman Family said...

I did it today! Cut Mirandas hair! It looks so cute too, the whole time she was making sure it wasjust like Kali's. I cut it a little bit longer at first just to make sure she was okay with it, and she was adamant it had to be shorter. Ill put a pic up when I get batteries dor the camers:)

8 of us said...

Too Cute Kail. We had to jump on the bandwagon and I chopped Chloee's too. Well, I had to pay someone to chop it. ;)